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Read Dead Redemption 2 Where to Find Panthers

Red Dead Online: Locations To Hunt Panther

Panther are some of the more dangerous creatures you'll need to hunt for Daily Challenges in Red Dead Online. Here are the best spots to find them.

Panthers are one of the more deadly animals you'll need to hunt for your daily challenges in Red Dead Online. They spawn in two specific locations in the Lemoyne region, close to the town of Saint Denis and Rhodes.

Panthers spawn in both Red Dead Online and the regular campaign of Red Dead Redemption 2. They're pretty distinct: you'll hear it snuffling and charging at you before you spot it, though you can tell it apart due to its black markings and very short brown(ish) hair. If you're struggling to find a Panther for your daily challenge, here's our guide to the best spots to farm them.

Bluewater Marsh, South Of Lagras Lake

This swampy area is full of Whooping Cranes, Frogs, Gators, and of course, Panthers. Here's the area to search on the map for Panthers near Lagras.

The Daily Challenge for a Panther in Red Dead Online only requires you to kill one, and that should be easy to find here. Because there is so much other wildlife here, you can run rampant beforehand and kill a few other creatures to lure a Panther out.

Watch out when using a horse. Some horses will spook when they catch the sight of a Panther, and the occasional gator in this swampy area might scare your horse as well.

Because of the added threat of gators here, you can also visit this other popular spot for hunting Panthers.

South of Braithwaite Manor

To the south of Lemoyne, located on the banks of the Lannahechee and just south of Braithwaite Manor, there is a small wooded area highlighted on the map below.

Much like near the Marshes, the southern forested area will spawn at least one Panther. Again, kill some of the other wildlife to get a Panther to spawn.

Panthers will respawn every couple of minutes, which makes them very easy to farm. In either location, just leave the nearby area around return after two or three minutes. You can use the Join New Session exploit to reset your server and force the spawn of a new Panther, but it shouldn't be too necessary.

The best method to kill a Panther is with a Poison Arrow. This gives you the cleanest kill and will maintain a good-looking pelt to sell on. You can craft predator bait and use it to lure the Panther out if you want.

Panthers are very aggressive and will attack players on sight. Sometimes they will lay in wait and try to ambush the player, so best to use your Eagle Eye ability to spot them before they leap onto your back. It's easier to hunt a Panther if you play with a friend or small hunting posse.

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About The Author

Harry Alston (396 Articles Published)

Harry Alston is a writer based in the UK. He was once number one in the world on Call of Duty: Black Ops and now spends his days chasing that past glory.

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Read Dead Redemption 2 Where to Find Panthers
