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Hollies Long Tall Woman in Black Dress Girls Dancing

1. To act like a lady, think like one


Society has the habit of stigmatizing all behaviors that are seen as "feminine." Crying, getting hurt, wanting kids, marriage, believing in true love, the list is endless. The only way for you to succeed in this world is by being who you are. You are not a man and therefor cannot think, act or behave like one and neither should you have any intention of doing so. Own your femininity and get things done in true woman fashion.

2. You can achieve all your goals through good old fashioned hard work

Oprah hardwork

You do not have to sleep your way to the top, we do not have to see your sex tape, you don't have to be on reality TV, you don't have to be the center of controversy. Hard work, persistence, intelligence, resilience, ambition, education, these are assets that have stood the test of time and they are a proven formula to realizing even your wildest dreams.

3. Women make exceptional leaders

What do General Motors, Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Xerox Corporation, Avon Products, Yahoo!, Pepsi and IBM (to name a few) have in common? they are all Fortune 500 companies and they all have female CEO's. Yes, there is room for women in the boardroom and they are doing a pretty darn good job at it. Most importantly, they have paved the way for the younger generation. We are not the majority, not because we cannot do it but because we were not given access to those roles – but all that is changing as more and more women are filling executive positions in big corporations.

act like lady

4. There is no trade off between having a family and having a career

Putting off marriage and having kids in pursuit of a career is a preconceived misconception highly popularized by the mass media. You can do both, simultaneously or consecutively; either way it is achievable and worth aspiring to.


5. Do not pride yourself in having no female friends and only male friends.

Growing up as women, we were told that we could not get along with other women, that other women were jealous of our successes and good looks. How many of your turmoils are caused by envy and hate from other women? Not much. Life is hard enough as it is, and people (men and women alike) will not always like you. You will come to find the importance of sticking together as women to open those doors and become trend setters in some very male dominated industries. Most victims of rape and abuse are women; the people who can sympathize and show more compassion towards those victims are women too. We are not opposition but each other's support structure.


6. If you find a good man, keep him and work on it

In the name of independence we have been told to not be too relationship focused. any women who expresses a desire to be in a healthy and loving relationship is seen as weak and lacks ambition. Unless your ultimate goal is to be single forever, do not be apologetic for wanting to make your relationship work and priding yourself in having a good man. It's human to want love and even better to find it.

notebook love

7. Acceptance is freedom

If you have some pounds to shed and need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, by all means you should always strive to be better. If you have a forehead that sticks out, there's no need to spend half your life fussing and obsessing over it. No one cares. The thing with insecurities is, you're the only one who notices them. Everybody else is too busy with their own life. A man who loves you will accept you with your A-cup breast size and love you regardless


8. Intelligence is sexy

Better than a new pair of heels, nothing is more attractive than a smart and educated woman. The thing with being a dumb pretty girl is that it gets really old, really fast. A woman who can engage in intellectual conversation from politics, economics, philosophy, arts and science is always a keeper. You do not have to be an expert in everything. Just be informed, be clued up, stay updated and form an opinion from education and not twitter feeds.

intelligence kelly

9. Playing hard to get is not sexy

No need to make him go though hoops to get to you. Be yourself, be approachable, be sincere and if he is worthy, he will earn you eventually. The thing with hard to get: it's usually for show and some boys will put on the show just to prove something to people or convince themselves of their own worthiness. Commitment isn't chasing someone for two years; commitment is staying with someone even when things aren't so rosy and breezy.


10. You're never too old for new friends

No need to be so closed minded and protective over your life. Explore the world and be open to meeting people. You do not need to become BFF's but you will definitely come across people who will be worth your attention and they will have so much to teach you

hard to get

11. Yes to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)

Women are doing these things and are owning it. Yes Marissa Mayer, yes Sheryl Sandburg, Anne Nicolas, Carmela Orlando, Sharlene Abrams, Jocelyn Attal, Jo Anderson, Susan Bailey. This list is endless


12. You are never too old to start but the window does get smaller

The reality, unfortunately, is that we are all going to die. If you have a dream to pursue now would be a good time. You are never too old to start your own business but doing it in your twenties where you can afford to take major risks is different to doing it in your 50's where you may have kids to tend to, a home to pay off, health to worry about, student loans and dependents. There is a certain amount of stress you should be allowed to have in your 20's, 30's, 40's…

13. Your twenties are a good time to be sowing

…And by sowing I mean making all the right investments. Not just money wise, but investing in your self development, investing in building your career, investing in your professional profile and who you want to be known as and known for. You work to learn, not to earn. Don't be in too much of a rush to make it before such and such, seek first your self worth and all things will surely follow


14. Wisdom is God given

They say people come in to your life for a reason, season or lifetime. Be careful to not put lifetime expectations on seasonal people. With age comes wisdom and the ability to be a good judge of circumstance and character. As with jobs, if you get an opportunity to do something out of your comfort zone, take it. No amount of education or experience can prepare you for the unexpected in life. Sometimes, despite your utmost and your dedication, things will not go your way. Do not be discouraged, having wisdom to know when to let go and when to keep pushing is a skill worth mastering and you can spend your entire life doing so.

15. Life is too short for sugar free dessert


16. Life is too short to live in regret

If you made mistakes, learn from it and become wiser. No use regretting. Move on. The past is long gone

17. Take calculated risks

if you take a risk two things are likely to happen, 1) you win or  2) you become wiser. So take more risks.

kick ass

18. Find your talent and become the best at it


19. A happy home, a happy husband and happy kids is a definite #life-goal


20. A good woman is always a good woman

good woman

Looks fade, body shape changes after kids, you get older and interest changes. But a good and virtuous woman is and will always be one. So work on you and be everything that you can be.

Dream big, think big and be fierce!

The Perfect Outfit

Hollies Long Tall Woman in Black Dress Girls Dancing
