What Does the Tarot Card the Star Mean
What Does the Tarot Card the Star Mean
Legend has it that when you see a falling star and make a wish, it will come true. Are you in need of a glimmer of hope? In a tarot reading, the Star is just that.
Optimism, hope for the future, and renewed faith are all embodied by the Star. So, it is no surprise that it ushers in calm and peace.
If you've been having a tough time, you will soon regain your motivation and rise to the top again. The Star in the tarot is the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.
Thankfully, you are almost to the other side of any hurdle in your way. If you let the Star be your guide, the process will be a smooth one.
The Star Tarot Key Words
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed the Star tarot meaning, and its connection to love, career, and life, below a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card.
Upright | Hope, renewal, creativity and inspiration, generosity, healing |
Reversed | Despair, lack of hope, creative block, boredom, focusing on the negative |
Yes or No | Yes |
The Star Tarot Card Descriptions
Kneeling beside a bright blue lagoon, a woman representing the Star holds a water jug in each hand. With the one in her right hand, she pours a stream of water into the pond. At the same time, she uses the other jug to water the earth, supporting her.

Her nakedness represents fertility, as well as what is genuine and authentic. She is a strong woman, one who is both capable and compassionate.
The seven small stars painted in the blue sky are in place of the chakras. They surround the main Star, signifying balance, and alignment in every area of life.
The Star Tarot Meaning
The universe abundantly blesses you (we). We are continually attracting what we desire through our beliefs and thoughts. When the Star arrives in the upright position, it usually follows a difficult change or traumatic event.
Going through something challenging can take the wind out of our sails and cause us to feel like things will never be the same. This might be true.
Death, loss, heartbreak, and other painful events can change who we are, forever. This doesn't mean we can't build something better. What is it that you are trying to heal from?
The Upright Star wants you to open your heart, realize your inner strength, and have faith that the best is yet to come.
Money and Career Meaning
Amazing opportunities are headed your way–some bigger than you've ever imagined. When it comes to career and finances, the Star tarot is a signpost that advancements are around the corner.
Have you been struggling to make ends meet? Perhaps you feel stuck in a dead-end job? Well, things are about to change.
If you have been thinking of switching to a field in which you will be 'the center of attention,' now is the time to make the transition.
Go for the promotion, ask for a raise, pitch a new contract. You'll only have a small window time to make these things happen. So, don't delay. The clock is ticking.
Love and Relationships Meaning
Because the Star is a Major Arcana card, it rules any reading that it makes a grand appearance in. When it comes to love, the Star tarot card has a clear message: drop your baggage.
Unknowingly, we often let fear and hurts from our past steer our current relationships. If a friend or lover betrayed us, we might have trouble trusting other people in our lives. We might want to become close with others but hesitate because we are afraid of feeling the same sting we felt once before.
Although this is a normal reaction to pain, it is a stifling one. Focusing on the past, being paranoid, and refusing to be vulnerable only attracts more of what we don't want.
If you are wanting to find love or grow a current relationship, practice the art of letting go. Doing so will bring both harmony and happiness.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
Because it is a healing card, the Star in a health context is a wonderful sight for anyone worried about their body or mind. It is rare to see the Star fall in a reading for someone who is fighting an illness. The only exception is when a recovery is on the horizon.
Although tarot doesn't have all of the answers, the Star wants you to look for ways to find peace in every single area of your life.
The Star Reversed
Stressful situations can lead to feelings of hopelessness. Although unwanted, this is a common path that most of us travel at least once. The Star reversed tarot card personifies what it feels like to feed feelings of despair.

The feeling of being stuck in a streak of bad luck is the theme of your life right now.
The good news? You are in the driver's seat. Although we can't possibly control the forces (and people) around us, we can adopt whatever attitude we choose. Just like happiness is found within, pessimism is an internal choice.
As crazy as it might seem, we can be full of joy, even in the most challenging circumstances. The Reversed Star tarot card serves as a reminder.
Find time to reassess your priorities and do things little by little. Surround yourself in an environment where encouragement and creativity find you again. Meditation and yoga might also do the work, as they can help you to be in the moment and reduce your worries. Take any activity that works for you so you can reconnect with your inner self again.
The Star: Yes or No
The Star in a tarot yes or no reading provides a solid YES. Because this card speaks of situations that have an air of happiness and positivity, any situation represented by the Star is sure to be a success. If you're wanting to know if you should make a decision now or later, look to the card surrounding the Star.
Important Card Combinations
Optimism, hope for the future, and renewed faith are all represented by the Star. Also in pairings with other cards, the positive outlook of the Star often shines through.
The Star and the Chariot
When number 7 and 17 link-up, success is on the horizon. The Chariot represents the choices you will make to get you to your greatest desires (the Star.)

This is an excellent combination because it communicates that everything you want is in your reach. It won't just fall into your lap though. Work will be required.
The Star and the Ace of Pentacles
Some creative venture you've been considering will turn a great profit—if you're willing to take a leap of faith. Do you have enough confidence in yourself and your idea to actually move forward? You should.
The Star and the Ace of Pentacles pairing predict financial success in any endeavors you choose. Selecting one that you are passionate about will only increase your favorable results.
The Star and the Empress
Improvements abound when these two Major Arcana cards fall in the same reading. Soon, your health will improve, as will your overall well-being. If you've been dealing with a lot of stress or worry lately, prepare for these feelings to dissipate.

All hard times come to a pass and now is when you should celebrate your present good fortune, one relaxing day at a time.
The Star and the Moon
When these two celestial bodies pair up, strong emotions are at play. Is there a disturbing situation in your life that has left you feeling anxious or worried? The Star and the Moon combination suggests that you'll need to deal with your intense feelings before things improve.

How can this be done? Start by figuring out what you are feeling and what deeper issues these emotions might be connected to. A lot of times, powerful emotions are connected to traumatic experiences from our childhood/past. Addressing these feelings at the root can help you heal on a much deeper level.
the Star and the Wheel of Fortune
Are you considering a career that would require you to interact with lots of people or be 'front and center'? Or are you hoping for some acknowledgment for your hard work?

The Star combined with the Wheel of Fortune tells you that destiny has agreed with your desire and is ready to present you with all that you envision. As long as you are willing to make yourself available to the change.
The Star Tarot Card Designs for Inspiration
Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, it doesn't mean that I use other decks too. One of my favorite things is to browse the web for beautiful tarot decks and cards.
Below you can find a small selection of beautiful Star tarot cards. Did you create a tarot card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you!

FAQ's on the Star Card
I'm super grateful to have interaction with my readers, so if you have a question, please feel fry to contact me! And while I am responding to every message I get, I'm answering the most frequently asked tarot questions about the Star meaning and general tarot card questions here.
What is the Star love tarot meaning?
The Star tarot card in a love reading has a clear message: drop your baggage. If you are wanting to find love or grow a current relationship, practice the art of letting go.
Is the Star a Yes or No card?
The Star tarot card speaks of situations that have an air of happiness and positivity. Therefore the Star in a yes or no reading is definitely a BIG yes! Any situation represented by the Star is sure to be a success.
What is the general meaning of the Star in tarot?
Optimism, hope for the future, and renewed faith are all embodied by the Star. So, it is no surprise that it ushers in calm and peace. If you've been having a tough time, you will soon regain your motivation and rise to the top again. Read more
The Star tarot card in a Reading
That's all for the Star tarot meaning! Can't get enough? If you have pulled the upright or reversed Star card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Source: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/the-star-tarot-card-meanings/
Posted by: lamondwithein.blogspot.com